Business expert Liz Mckeon launches new international coaching programme 'The Successful Salon Fomula"

Published 29th Aug 2023

The Successful Salon Formula is made up of the 3G Method™, a method where Liz will personally help salon owners to implement and turbocharge their salon by providing training on how to be a greatboss, how to have a great client experience every time and how to generate great sales over a 6-month period.

The 3G Method™ is made up of five steps – making sure you are a great boss, ensuring you have happy clients every time, growing sales, peak performance and finally taking you to the place of being a successful business owner. Although they are step-by-step methods, they are customisable to suit the salon owner's individual business and needs.

By signing up to take part in The Successful Salon Formula, salon owners will become part of a private Facebook community group with Liz where they will be able to network with an international community, ask questions to Liz and community members and receive regular Business Building content.

Participants will join an interactive ‘ask me anything’ weekly coaching session with Liz whereby questions asked in the community will form the base of the agenda. Liz will also go through a module from her Online Business Development Virtual Programme each week (5 modules) with 32 lessons in total.

As an added benefit of being part of the programme, should community members be interested in adding new services to their menus, they will receive Brand Insight Days with some of the top industry brands. Members will also have the opportunity to attend in-person events. 

Business Expert, Liz McKeon, commented, “I am super excited about the launch of my new programme, The Successful Salon Formula, and being able to support salon, clinic and spa owners internationally in achieving their goals.

I wanted to offer this programme to salon owners, as it has made a huge difference to the bottom-line cash banked for many of my private clients over the years and it’s time to support more salon owners to achieve the same result. I also noticed that when the cash grows, common operational cracks open up in a salon, causing all sorts of issues for the owner, and I wanted to ensure I could help salon owners to fix these to help them succeed as well. It was really important for me to develop a programme where business owners could get the maximum benefit from the minimum amount of time.

Helping salon owners enjoy the benefits of making more money and systems that produce predictable results where it matters is so important to me, and this program is an extension of that mission. From implementing my 3G Method™ salon owners will be able to have more cash in the bank, more time to do things they want to do and happier customers.”

For further information on Liz McKeon, please contact Alex Clark by emailing [email protected] or call 0131 202 0659. 

PB Admin

PB Admin

Published 29th Aug 2023

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